Montego Bay

Our Chopper's On Fire... What Again?

Our Chopper's On Fire... What Again?

 4 min read

The first time it happened, I didn’t even know there was a problem. But why should I? I was a TV producer, not a helicopter pilot. There were no flames or anything like that to induce hair-on-fire panic. But something tipped the pilot off – maybe one of his gauges or perhaps he sniffed the smell of burning chopper. Whatever – one moment we were getting beauty shots, the next we were diving for the river bank. Being a little slow, my only thought was, “What the… he ruined our shot!” 

Stuck Inside Of Kingston With The Mobay Blues...

3 min read

Ever been stranded on an island?  I was. It was a surprise. But then, being stranded usually is…  unless you’re living in a romantic comedy and you planned the stranding. I don’t live in a romantic comedy.